If you’re experiencing hot flushes, mood swings and waking in the wee hours of the morning - you’re not alone. These symptoms can be related to menopause and affect women of every ethnicity and lifestyle, says naturopath Jane Cronin from Clinicians, who shares five tips on how to take care of these body changes naturally. By Trudi Brewer.
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Tip 1: Take care of your adrenal glands
These little organs have a big job. They sit on top of each kidney and produce hormones, which fluctuate during those menopausal years. It’s at this time the ovaries start to wind down, the adrenal glands and fats cells (hence our bodies hold onto fat at this time making it harder to lose weight) take over making hormones. This means they can get overloaded, which lead to changes in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone can make us feel overstimulated and can lead to us waking in the night; usually, around 3 am - another reason women can feel overheated when feeling under stress.
Boost your diet: Support your adrenal health by including vitamins B5, B6, and C in your diet, including brewer’s yeast, soybeans, sunflower seeds, eggs, avocado, and fish, as well as natural vitamin C. This is found in citrus fruits, rockmelon, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, kiwi fruit and sweet red peppers. Herbs can also support the adrenal glands, including ginseng, known as adaptogens, these help the body adapt to stress. They are also energising, so great to take in the morning to help with a poor night’s sleep and to help you get through a busy day ahead. Withania is another herb that is an adaptogen, which is calming and relaxing.
Clinicians Sleep Science Capsules 30s, RRP $35.
Clinicians Stress & Energy Support Capsules 60’s, RRP $30.
Tip 2: Balance your blood sugar
When the adrenals put us into ‘fight or flight mode’ (a rapid heart rate and breathing), our body prepares by releasing sugar into the bloodstream. After an initial surge of energy, when are left feeling tired, grumpy and craving sweet, starchy snacks Sadly, this hormone unbalance is when we can also start to store excess fat around our middle.
Boost your diet: To support and balance sugar levels in the body, make sure you eat protein at every meal, including nuts, legumes, meat, eggs, dairy. Protein helps you feel fuller, longer (less chance of snacking) and has a slower energy release. Make sure you eat less refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice and starchy, sweet foods.
Clinicians Blood Sugar Balance, RRP $35.
Tip 3: Phytoestrogens
Oestrogen is used in many places in the body, including the bladder and vagina, supporting the tissues to be plump and well-lubricated. As oestrogen levels change, these tissues can become dry and irritated, making women more susceptible to bacterial imbalances and discomfort during intimacy. Like the oestrogens in the body, natural phytoestrogens can support the oestrogen receptors and normal hormone balance.
Boost your diet: Phytoestrogen rich foods include soybeans and other members of the pea family, flaxseed, nuts, whole grains, apples, fennel, celery, parsley and alfalfa, as well as herbs such as black cohosh, red clover and sage.
Clinicians Women’s Intimacy Support, RRP $40.
Tips 3: Learn to love your liver
Looking after your liver is an important factor in hormonal health, especially during menopause. The liver processes and distributes hormones into the bloodstream where they act as chemical messengers to the body’s tissues and organs while removing excess hormones from the bloodstream. If the liver is over-burdened by detoxifying the body, it may function at its peak, and this can lead to menopausal symptoms. Support your liver naturally during this time by reducing toxins such as alcohol, smoking, junk food, sugar and environmental chemicals such, including chemical cleaning products.
Boost your diet: Water is key to assisting the liver to flush out those toxins, as well as eating plenty of brightly coloured antioxidant-rich fresh fruit and vegetables. Herbs can also help support the liver and herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion and globe artichoke.
Clinicians LiverProtect Plus, 60 capsules RRP $35.
Tip 4: Protect your bones
Regular weight-bearing exercise helps to support bone density, which starts to deplete in menopause. Cronin suggests cycling, aerobics or walking, which can also help reduce stress and increase those feel-good hormones. However, don’t over-train as this can stress the body and lead to temperature fluctuations. Finally, try to minimise caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee, as well as stimulants such as alcohol and smoking; these will make those hot flushes worse.
Clinicians BoneCare Complete Capsules 120, RRP $40.
If you’re struggling with temperature changes and mood swings or battling to get a good night’s sleep.
Here are the supplements that will support your menopause journey, at any age.