Our immune system is complex and highly active, says editor Trudi Brewer, who asks Clinicians, naturopath Jane Cronin to protect it naturally before those winter chills set in.
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Winter and sickness go hand-in-hand, but you can boost your immunity with vitamins and minerals to ward off those ills and chills before you get sick. Clinicians Naturopath Jane Cronin says get proactive as soon as you feel that tickle in the throat or sniffle. “Start hydrating with plenty of vitamin-rich juice, bone broth or some good old chicken soup. Dose up on vitamin C, A and zinc as these are all used by the body to create our defence cells that fight foreign invaders before they get a chance to take hold. These vitamins and zinc can also help us to switch on our own natural immune system.” Cronin suggests cramming your diet with foods high in vitamin C, and as luck would have it winter seasonal fruit and veg such as citrus fruits, kiwifruit, capsicums, and pumpkin, which are rich in those flu-fighting vitamins. “Diet has always played a role in good health and well being; research has found that our good bacteria very much influence respiratory health. So if we go into winter with our gut functioning well, then it’s a good start,” says Cronin. She adds, “Much of the immune system is in the gut, and when the body becomes aware that we are under attack from a foreign body, it breaks up some of our good bacteria and sends fragments around the body as an early warning system.” Cronin says fruit and vegetables provide the sort of fibre that feed good bacteria as prebiotics. Also, colostrum and beta-glucans along with herbs like Andrographis and Echinacea can help to support a healthy immune system.”
Vitamin C & Zinc are potent antioxidants
Vitamin C is essential in the growth and repair of the skin and the entire body. Used to synthesis collagen, it builds muscles, bones, teeth and blood vessels and is necessary for joint health. It's also an essential vitamin for protecting cells in the body from free radical damage. It also plays a part in recycling other antioxidants, including vitamin E and zinc. Used by over 100 different enzymes in the body, zinc is a trace mineral, and it's one of the most abundant in our bodies. It supports thyroid function, collagen and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), essential for bone calcitonin, a hormone that promotes healthy bones.
Supplements to try
Clinicians Hi-Dose Vit C Powder, $15.
Clinicians Super Family C 2000 Powder, $45.
Clinicians Sunshine Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2, $17.
Clinicians Zinc Oral Drops by Clinicians, $20.
Immune Support
Both vitamin C and zinc support the immune system, which rapidly depletes when we get sick. Vitamin C is also essential for creating antibodies that help fight known conditions. 1,000 mg of Vitamin C per day can increase your natural antibody production by up to 400 per cent. Zinc too supports the body’s immune system; it’s found in the saliva and the mucous membranes of the digestive system to defend against any ingested pathogens. Together, these antioxidants support a healthy immune system and help reduce the risk of illness.
Supplements to try
Clinicians Immune System Support, $25.
Clinicians ViraShield Capsules 30, $24.
Clinicians VirActive Complete 60 capsules, $20.
Clinicians Immune Support Duo, $27.