How to boost your immunity

From sneezing to blocked sinuses, if you suffer from those winter ills and chills, it can make you feel awful, says editor Trudi Brewer. Here’s how to breathe easy and treat those symptoms naturally.

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Hot lemon, ginger and honey. See recipe below.

June is the month to add an extra layer on the bed and cosy up inside to beat the winter blues; it’s also the time of the year when colds and flu are rampant. If you are battling ills and chills or suffer from sinus, we have some handy tips you can do at home to ease discomfort. Before we share those winter remedies, Clinicians naturopath Jane Cronin shares why and how to feel less congested. “Our nasal cavity is an intricate area of tunnels and chambers; lined with glands, hair follicles and mucous that traps dust, pollen and bacteria; they also act as a humidifier and destroy invading bacteria. When our body overproduces mucous and we feel blocked up, the air in the sinus cavities absorbs and makes a partial vacuum. This is why our head can feel so full, causing headaches and much discomfort,” says Cronin. She recommends drinking more fluids, including vegetable juices, broths, herbal teas. And boost your diet with garlic, onion, chilli, ginger, and herbs such as thyme and sage. Try to reduce those mucous forming foods, such as dairy, eggs, red meat, bread, pasta, while you are congested and eat less fried and sugary foods. Finally, If the past year has taught us anything, we must stay at home if we feel sick. Not only do we save others from getting our bugs, but it also means we have the chance to rest. “Sleep and rest allow the body to use all its resources to fight bugs. Often we tend to fall sick when we have stressed and worn ourselves out,” says Cronin. She suggests, “Manuka honey added to lemon drinks is a great way to soothe the throat. It also has antimicrobial actions that help fight off bugs. Steam inhalation is also a great way of opening the airways; try adding some antimicrobial herbs like lavender, manuka and eucalyptus to the hot water.”

Natural Supplements


Clinicians TripleCare Immune, $45

Three supplements in one pack help support the body’s natural immune defences for healthy respiratory function and rapid recovery, including Clinicians Nasal Clear Manuka Spray, ViraShield 30 Vege Caps and Hi-Dose Vit C 75g.


Clinicians Immune Support Duo Sachets 14, $20

These sachets combine two researched ingredients, BetaVia™ Complete Algae fermentate and Vitamin C, to rapidly support natural immune defences and upper respiratory health.

Sinus massage

Massaging the sinuses can help congestion by relieving pressure and helping the sinus drain excess mucous with regular gentle massage in circular outward motions.

  • Simply massage gently in a circular outward motion, the forehead, above the eyebrows, toward the temples, cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, and out toward the ears and jaw.

  • Hold pressure between nose and corner of eyes, then stroke down the bridge of the nose.

  • Massage for between 30-60 seconds in each stage throughout the day.

  • In between massages, use a warm compress on your face; the warmth will help reduce swelling and keep the mucous draining.

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Hot Lemon, Ginger & Honey

Our got-to healing home brew is also the ideal warming winter drink, to ease a sore throat, drain away mucous and provide immune support.

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  • 1-inch of ginger root, grated or sliced

  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

  • 1 tbsp Manuka honey (at least 350+ MGO)

  • 1 cup boiling water.
    Place all ingredients into a mug and steep for at least 5 mins before drinking.