New anti-pollution skincare

The demand for anti-pollution skincare is on the rise, and these newbies not only fight the effects of our polluted environments, but they also hydrate and heal at the same time. Editor Trudi Brewer shares the latest innovation from professional skincare brand Environ.

Image BeautyEQ

Image BeautyEQ


To negate the toxic effect from the grime floating in our atmosphere, today anti-pollution products have become as ubiquitous as sunscreen. There's plenty of research to prove that harmful toxins can prematurely age the skin, so with pollution levels rising globally, that is worrying news for our complexions. According to Des Fernandes, the creator of Environ skincare, "Vehicle fumes, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, harmful chemicals and other pollutants in combination with ultraviolet (UV) blue light and infrared irradiation is known to induce oxidative stress and a destructive chain of free radicals. This leads to increased signs of skin sensitivity, premature skin ageing, skin discolouration, dryness, dullness, and roughness." Today there are many ways to protect the skin, including deep-cleansing and skin spritzing. Here's why we rate these two newbies from Environ.



Environ Focus Care Comfort+ Antipollution Spritz, $75.

Who doesn't love a skin mist, especially to cool the skin in summer? With each spritz, this mist leaves an invisible, breathable shield on the skin that helps restore the delicate microbiome that sits on the skin's outside layer. Formulated with anti-pollution ingredients, and potent antioxidants including high potency vitamin C, phytonutrient plant extracts, and niacinamide (vitamin B3), these ingredients protect, rebalance and repair the skin's barrier from indoor (blue light) and outdoor pollution. Use this spritz each morning on freshly cleansed skin or over makeup during the day.

Environ Focus Care Comfort+ Antipollution Spritz,  $75.

Environ Focus Care Comfort+ Antipollution Spritz, $75.

Environ Focus Care Comfort + Anti-Pollution Masque, $75.

Environ Focus Care Comfort + Anti-Pollution Masque, $75.


Environ Focus Care Comfort + Anti-Pollution Masque, $75.

After a long day, if your skin feels fragile and dry, this mask is the perfect deep cleansing, hydrating boost skin needs to feel calm and rejuvenated. The innovative ingredients include Acnacidol or Royal Jelly that helps balance oil production and heal acne. Simultaneously, Japanese charcoal binds to the toxins and dirt in the skin, gently pulling it from the pores. Finally, shea butter and jojoba esters boost hydration. Use weekly or when your skin feels like it needs a deep clean.