How to tackle depression & anxiety

Thankfully depression and anxiety are finally being talked about it, but we believe there is still a long way to go in terms of acceptance and treatment. Here a few tweaks you can make to your daily routine could help you feel brighter and much more optimistic, by Trudi Brewer.


Depression and anxiety can raise their ugly heads at any point in our lives and unfortunately can knock you for six. The stats are sobering, according to one in five women will experience depression, and one in four New Zealanders will experience anxiety. So what’s the difference? If you are feeling down and miserable, or you have no interest or pleasure in things, they call it depression. If the main problem is having times of panic, or always being on edge and worrying, they call that anxiety, and it’s quite common to experience a bit of both.

Woman laying on seashore holding onto her white fedora

Right now, with the spotlight on mental health, (Mental Health Awareness Week 21-27 September), we need also to throw the effects of COVID in that mix. According to The Mental Health Foundation, chief executive Shaun Robinson, "Our new normal is quite different. The way we work, go to school and Kura, and connect with friends and whānau have all changed this year – so if you're feeling off-balance right now, know that it's completely normal to feel that way. Here are a few tips on how to stay feeling optimistic beat those blues.

  • Exercise is your friend. Aim to add some physical activity into your day, even if it's a walk down the street, anything is better than nothing. Other activities could include running or yoga to calm the mind. Remember it only takes on average 66 days for a new behaviour to become automatic.

  • Sleep will work wonders for your mental health. Create an environment that encourages a great nights sleep. The right mattress, linen and a comfortable pillow are essential; we rate the Ecosa Memory Foam Pillow. Award-winning, it was designed to be the perfect fit for your shoulder and neck alignment - helping you get eight uninterrupted hours of blissful rest.

  • Water is the elixir of life. Make sure you are trying to nail your water quota each day and what you might not know is that you need to try and get these eight glasses in before 11 am to ensure your body is hydrated for the working day ahead. Aim for three AFD ( alcohol-free days)to give your liver a rest. Swap your wine for a Seedlip cocktail and or herbal tea with calming properties.

  • Cram your diet with leafy greens. If this advice sounds repetitive, greens are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, minerals, which are known to help with inflammation in the body and will work wonders for your skin. For anyone interested in supplements here's what we recommend.       

Ecosa Memory Foam Pillow, $144. Clinicians 5-HTP Mood Care 50mg Capsules 60s, $45. DrSalts+ Relax Therapy Bath Salts in Rose, $15.  Artemis Deep Sleep Tea, $23.