Made a mistake with you DIY home colour?

If you have chosen a dark brown DIY home colour to refresh your roots, only to see it turn ebony? Fear not, editor Trudi Brewer shares a product that promises to undo the damage - and the best part here's no harsh bleach involved.

MYHD hair colour remover product in white and black bottles sitting on white marble tray and bench

MYHD hair colour remover, $36.

What is it?

A DIY colour two-step hair colour remover, for those times you have coloured your hair at home and feel you have made a mistake and don’t like the end result.

How does it work?

I hear you asking the same questions we did - how can it remove colour without bleach? Put quite simply, this two-step process works to break down the links that hold the colour inside the hair shaft. Without getting too technical, first up, t's worth noting that this treatment won't remove semi-permanent colour, that is because a semi-permanent hair colour hair sits on top of the hair cuticle, whereas a permanent colour opens the hair shaft and deposits colour inside the hair shaft. 

How do you use it?

Inside the box you will find two bottles and a set of disposable gloves. Mix bottle A with bottle B in a bowl before applying the solution to dry hair. Apply to all the areas you have unwanted permanent hair colour and or old colour build up. Next, put on a shower cap or wrap your head in cling film and leave the solution on the hair for 20 minutes before rinsing it off for three to five minutes in warm water. Then shampoo your hair thoroughly two or three times. If the colour build-up doesn't completely come out, repeat the process again.

Why do we like it?

This DIY is effective and helps you avoid that arduous and expensive task of having to have your hair colour stripped in a salon, which can often be quite damaging on your locks and ultimately on your pocket.

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