The bouquet of precious summer-y blooms in this scent will have you craving for the original but leave you wanting more of this newbie. Here is the latest chapter in the unstoppable Gucci fragrance story you must try, says editor Trudi Brewer.
Image BeautyEQ
Gucci Bloom Ambrosia EDP 100ml, $250.
There has been an explosion of Gucci Bloom fragrances in the last few years - this, the fifth reinterpretation on the classic Bloom, (which launched in 2017) is full-bodied and designed for floral fragrance lovers. It’s another clever collaboration of Gucci’s creative director Alessandro Michele and his favourite perfumer, Alberto Morillas, who has tempted me yet again with this decadent scent. Read on to find out why.
“It’s nice to wear a fragrance in summer that packs a bit of a punch, rather than the usual aquatic, fresh cologne I tend to spritz on in the heat.”
GUCCI Bloom Ambrosia EDP 100ml, $250
What's in it?
The trio of nostalgic summer flowers includes tuberose, jasmine and Rangoon creeper (a tiny white-to-red flower, related to honeysuckle that grows in Asia), which is the signature flower in all the Bloom scents. Summer-y and sweet it also has a powdery softness, thanks to the combination of Damascena rose and orris resin, (from the iris flower), which is why it lingers for hours.
Why do we like it?
It’s nice to wear a fragrance in summer that packs a bit of a punch, rather than the usual aquatic, fresh cologne I tend to spritz on in the heat. This voluptuous scent is both nostalgic and comforting and even more intense when worn on a warm, humid night. Yes, it’s surprisingly sweet, but after a few hours, velvety and soft. It would be remiss of me not to mention the beautiful bottle, the colour of passion - red, and that overriding scent of jasmine, well known as the flower of love - you could safely say - I am smitten.