How to clear the cosmetic clutter

We all have time on our hands at home right now, so channelling a little bit of Marie Kondo is both satisfying and essential. Editor Trudi Brewer shares how to clear the clutter and consolidate your beauty stash.

Review & Consolidate

Most beauty products are small or medium-sized, which means they can be easily grouped together. Divide products and tools by how frequently you use them and make sure these products are the most accessible. Start by grouping the most frequently used products together in zip lock bags, jars or boxes, so they are easy to find.

 Expiry dates matter

As long as you are not sharing your makeup, most products will last anywhere between three to 36 months. Most products have an expiry date stamped on the bottle or jar, or on the carton. Wearing expired makeup can cause skin irritation, breakouts, and eye infections. If stored correctly, away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity you will get maximum use from your beauty buys. Here's the life span of all your beauty products below:


Foundation: 6-12 months. Powder makeup: 24 months. Eyeliner: 12 months - sharpen once a week to keep bugs at bay. Mascara: 3 months, don't pump the tube this dries out your mascara quicker. Lipliner: 12 months, Lipstick and gloss: 12-24 months.


Cleansers: 12-24 months. Moisturizers (creams and gels): 12-24 months. Scrubs and exfoliants: 12 months. Serums: 12 months, and finally, fragrance: 36 months, if stored away from direct sunlight.
If any products smell odd, or the ingredients have separated, and look salad dressing-like in appearance, (where the oil is sitting on top), then it’s time to throw them out.  

The expiry dates are shown clearly as an open jar icon on the bottles or jars of your products, and on the perfume cartons. These dates are a guide to help with the safety and longevity of any beauty buys.

 What to keep what to cull

To save space, instead of organizing everything by product type, go with size. Cardboard shoe boxes make great storage. Glass jars for lipsticks and pencils and hair clips. After you've chucked all expired products, go through your remaining items, and determine each product's future value. Marie Kondo recommends assessing everything you own, by asking yourself if it sparks joy in your life? This should influence your decision-making, and transform the look of your cupboards and drawers.

I use the top bathroom drawer to store the items you use every day, the second draw for makeup palettes, and compacts. The bottom drawer for those items you use when going out or for special occasions, or bulking items like hot hair tools. Shoe boxes with lids make great storage ideas, as they can be stacked with tall hair care bottles. Finally, jars are ideal for hair clips and hand bands.

How to clean makeup brushes

Care for makeup brushes in the same way you look after your hair. Use shampoo and a cleansing mat to work the makeup and oil from the bristles, gently. Next, rinse in warm water, and then use conditioner to soften the brush hairs. Finally, rinse and then dry each makeup brush, fat on a paper towel. If you stand the brushes up while they dry, the water runs down into the bristles and wooden handle, loosening the glue, which causes the hairs to shed.

Sigma Beauty Express Brush Cleaning Mat, $53. Use shampoo with a silicone mat or the palm of your hand, moving the brush back and forth to remove makeup build-up gently, and oil. Always, lie wet brushes flat on a paper towel in the sunshine to dry.

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