I battled with my wardrobe and won

I love fashion, it’s not only my passion I have made it my career. I have worked in the fashion industry for 17 years now, from retail to owning my own fashion store, to working as a magazine fashion editor and media, TV stylist and I am currently the style director at BeautyEQ. Right now we are all navigating a change in our everyday lives, including how we work. I have always taken pride in my personal wardrobe, even what I wear around the house, which brings me to my latest project - my wardrobe clean up, which I hope will inspire you to do the same. Just to give an overall picture. When moving house the wardrobe is my number one priority - I always ask myself: Where and how will I store my clothes in this house? So, when my partner and I moved into our current home (three years ago), I was excited to turn the spare, second bedroom into a shared wardrobe. For the most part, it was a functioning wardrobe, I use industrial styling racks and have two sets of shelves and stacks of boxes. Now like most of us stuck at home during lockdown I’ve taken a good look at my home, working room by room in an effort to clear the clutter, and was shocked to see what had become of my beloved wardrobe room - it was a mess! I’ve documented my cleanout (not to be confused with clear out only six pairs of shoes, two dresses and some old gym gear got tossed out) and have some tips to share if you are looking to do the same. It’s amazing what you can achieve with two days at home armed with an iPhone camera.

Now like most of us stuck at home during lockdown I’ve taken a good look at my home, working room by room in an effort to clear the clutter, and was shocked to see what had become of my beloved wardrobe room - it was a mess!
— Louise Hilsz


Before: The first big change to the room was the layout. When you opened the door the racks we’re positioned vertically facing the door. The majority of my clothes were to the left on two racks and in a big cupboard. Then on the right more of my clothes, my partners rack and all of our shoe collection. It was quite clunky, each garment was not that accessible with my clothes spread around and it looked and felt cramped.


After: In the new layout, I have positioned the racks horizontal. This has allowed all my clothes to be grouped together. Now when you walk in, to the left is a corner for my partner’s clothes then to the right in an L-shape I have my clothes on three racks. The flow is so much easier to navigate, the window is no longer blocked and I feel I have some breathing space to decide what to wear each day.



Before: Some of my shoes were in boxes but a lot were not. So to start I took out all of our joint shoe collection onto our front porch, I went through them all putting them back in their boxes and made a pile of shoes I no longer wanted. This was mainly as they looked worn and past their best.

After: I found boxes for all the shoes we own to store them. Shoes store better and stay looking better, longer when they are kept in the box. My partner’s shoes were easy to tidy, I stacked them neatly in his corner of the room. He wears a uniform to work so doesn’t access them as often as I do. With my shoes, I separated them into brands and or categories. My collection of really crazy out there shoes mainly boots; I stacked on top of my shelves. I hardly wear these, so stored up and away is fine. The rest I created small stacks under my racks which, day to day makes it easier to access them and style them with my outfit. Before the stacks were twelve boxes high and were at risk of falling, now they are stacked four high, it’s so much more manageable. Lastly, my sneakers, which I wear the most I have stacked in front of the chair in the room.

Clothing racks

Before: My racks have always been pretty well organised, seperated into pants, skirts, dresses, T-shirts, jackets and furs. But they were still a little jumbled, which made dressing tricky at times.

After: I created a little bit more order. My dresses are now grouped into occasions. From party, to work, in full length (from thin strappy dresses to long-sleeved), short (from thin strap to long-sleeve), so there is a system. Now, they are more in order of when to wear them and what occasion suits each look, rather than just being grouped together. Followed by skirts and pants. My short jackets are grouped by denim, sequin, leather and blazers. Followed by sweatshirts and fancy tops all grouped together, which makes them easier to access. With my faux fur collection, I did my best to put them into colour groupings. And, lastly, my sport-luxe puffer jackets and raincoats are hanging together. For me, getting dressed will now be a game-changer. I would have liked to match all the coat hangers, but just for the sake of something looking pretty and to save the planet (I couldn’t throw out that much plastic) I will stick with what I have.


Before: I feel like I use this area the most, as it holds my at-home comfy clothes and gym gear. I also thought I was on top of this section but boy was I wrong. It had started off being divided into sections but slowly clothes had been pushed in on top of each other - it was a mess.

After: I took everything out and folded each garment into groups. This was handy as I could see which items I had the most of so switched up the order. The top shelf is now where I store jeans (which I don’t really own a lot of or wear much), along with pants and jumpsuits. Next jumpers, I love jumpers and with winter on the way, I will wear them all the time. Next, the t-shirts, I divided into categories, fitted and baggy. Gym gear - note to self don’t hoard old gym gear. I got rid of all the crappy singlets and leggings that might have had a cute print on them, but were so uncomfortable to wear, that felt good. Lastly knitwear on two shelves. I tried not to overfill the cupboard so that there was enough space around my clothes, making it easier to pull things out. I also collected all my belts which were hanging over the doors and on the bottom shelf and stacked them in a box. Easy to store and easy to find.


Before: I love sunglasses, my obsession started when I started worked in the sunglasses industry back in 2003. My collection is stored in a different room. I use my parent’s vintage drinks cabinet to display them. And, sheesh they were in a mess too.

After: I took them all out, cleaned them all (super satisfying putting them in order by colour) and put them back based on favourites and those I wear most often at the front. I used to keep them all in their cases but it was hard to find them, and some I had forgotten about long ago. Now I can see them and decide which pair to wear with ease.

My wardrobe cleanout tips

  • Check your pockets and inside your bags. I found two lip glosses, five lipsticks, and cash, $46.50, a hair tie and a fresh tin of mints - I was pretty chuffed with that!

  • If you own something quite expensive don’t store it with everything else. In the past I have been robbed, and the burglars went straight for high priced items (it was a very sad day for my sunglass collection). I keep my prized possessions somewhere else hidden in the house. I don’t wear them every day, so it’s fine that they are not easily accessed but hopefully, by doing this I will keep them forever.

  • Invest in a dehumidifier. Dampness will kill your clothes! Even if you don’t think your home is damp, I bet it is. If your budget doesn’t stretch to that try refillable Damprid containers.

  • If you can - keep it. Clothes come in and out of fashion, they hold memories and bring joy. I only get rid of things if they really, really don’t fit (and can’t be altered to fit) or if they are past their used by date, which some items like shoes do get worn out.

  • Any shoes that you are not keeping repurpose the shoebox for shoes that have no box and write what is inside on the end.


Lastly, I discovered some trends in my wardrobe, it’s clear I favour colour. Here are just a few trends and items I would never part with.

Embellished Denim Jackets from left to right vintage Mickey Mouse Ebay, vintage cushion on the back? Ebay, dragonfly sequin Trelise Cooper and sequin Disney Tarmafia.

Fleuro from left to right Gucci sunglasses, Common People bag, Ivy Berlin puffer jacket and Nike Tekno sneakers.

Pink Fur Coats left to right Ebay, Peter Alexander, Trelise Cooper, Lazy Oaf, custom Trelise Cooper, Cooper ,Ebay (vintage Paris Disney) and Moschino x H&M

Cartoon Sweaters from left to right Moschino x H&M, vintage Flintstones  Parlour Store, vintage Mickey & Minnie Parlour Store (gifted) and vintage Mickey not sure here from?

Same Coloured Shoes from left to right Dr Martens, Nike Air Max 95s, Twoobs and platform Twoobs