Beauty News: What is Profhilo Structura

Everyone’s skin ages differently; today, the options for addressing that are endless. But the latest could be the most exciting. Dr Ellen Selkon from Clinic42 shares the newest innovation known as Profhilo Structura. Selkon is the first practitioner in the country to inject Profhilo Structura, a hyaluronic-laden treatment created for anyone searching for a natural-looking lift. She believes its success lies in its regenerative properties that, instead of simply adding volume, can help elevate the overall look of your facial features. Editor Trudi Brewer asks Selkon how Profhilo Structura works and who can benefit from it.


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Before I share the virtues of Profhilo Structura, let’s recap on that moisture magnet, hyaluronic acid (HA). Known in medical circles as HA or sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronan, it’s a polysaccharide (a carbohydrate derived from sugar molecules bonded together) that is a humectant, which means it can absorb and retain water like a sponge. HA can retain up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it a powerful skin hydrator for improving the appearance of wrinkles and promoting that lit-from-within glow. But wait, there is more: HA also has a natural affinity with our skin. It’s that clear, gooey substance that lubricates joints, keeps muscles supple and is present in the eyes and the skin. But as we age, we naturally produce less. So, back to Profhilo Structura, this hyaluronic acid injectable gel has a clever way of stimulating the fat cells to release a hormone that naturally stimulates collagen production. “A fat regenerative solution that restores and strengthens old fat cells, leading to a natural lift and rejuvenation of the midface. It offers patients the opportunity not to radically change their appearance but to improve their look, correcting small defects and creating a fresher overall appearance. Selkon adds, “While it’s not a replacement for traditional fillers, it can significantly reduce their need, offering a more natural enhancement without the risk of ‘widening’ the face.” New Zealand is the fourth country to offer this cosmetic treatment globally, and its arrival has excited Selkon. “Structura is a game-changer in non-invasive cosmetic treatments. It is incredibly unique and is the only product on the market that reverses the ageing of the fat cells in the face.” Here, Selkon shares all our questions on the new Porfhilo Strctura - read on to learn more.

Dr Ellen Selkon from Clinic42

Profhilo Structura targets two key types of age-related facial changes: sinkers (a sunken or hollow appearance due to thinning skin and fat tissue) and saggers (facial laxity and heaviness).
— Dr Ellen Selkon

What is Profhilo Structura? 

Profhilo Structura is made up of a very high concentration of hyaluronic acid. It has taken years to make this unique product, which reverses the ageing of fat cells in the face to younger fat cells that are not only plumper but also work and function better.

What is the difference between Profhilo and this new Profhilo Structura?

Profhilo is injected superficially with a needle into the skin and works on the skin layers, increasing collagen and elastin. Meanwhile, Structura uses a cannula needle with one entry point on each cheek. It works deeper on the fat cells and fat layer, restoring this and reversing the ageing process, creating lift and pullback.

Why is it being coined a 'novel skin booster’?

While it has skin-boosting properties, let’s not mix it up with Profhilo, a novel skin booster that works on a cellular level to create elastin and collagen.

What is NAHYCO technology?

Combines high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which have different functions, and allows them to combine through a thermal process, so no chemicals are used.

How does it work in the skin?

The skin is not the main target of this product, although it does have a small effect on the skin. However, this product does its magic in the adipocytes or fat cells. It reverses the ageing process in the fat cells to make them plump again and function like younger cells.

How does it work alongside/complement other cosmetic skin treatments, fillers and Botox?

It does not replace fillers or Botox; this unique product will enhance your fillers and Botulinum toxin products and may reduce your need for filler over time.

Which areas on the face and or body can benefit from Profhilo Structura?

Profhilo Structura is only indicated for the face. It is used to lift sagging tissue or fill the hollowing that occurs laterally on the face.

When will you see results, and how long will they last?

Just like Profhilo, this is a slow burn. You need two treatments one month apart. You will only start to see your results a month after the second treatment. Results last over six months, and a six-monthly top-up of one treatment is recommended.

What is the cost?

  • Profhilo 2ml involves two treatments spread four to six weeks apart. The cost per treatment is $800 for the face. (Profhilo is also available in a 3ml, $900, often used for the neck and body.)

  • Profhilo Structura follows the same treatment protocol as Profhilo: two initial sessions with a four-plus week interval, followed by maintenance treatments every six months. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes and costs $900 per treatment. 

  • The Lift & Glow at Clinic 42 with Profhilo is $1,275 per treatment and is ideal for patients having their four - to six-month Profhilo maintenance treatment to add on their first Structura treatment and save $425.