The edible beauty market is in high demand, which means we're spoilt for choice when nourishing our skin, hair and nails from the inside out. Editor Trudi Brewer chats with the founder of Kiri10 Glow, a new home-grown keratin supplement that focuses on.
Christchurch based co-founder and managing director of Kiri10 Glow Natalie Harrison shares the benefits of adding a quality keratin supplement to your diet.
Edible Beauty is booming. What sets Kiri10 apart from other keratin supplements?
Our connection to New Zealand, which is the birthplace of a unique form of keratin, which in regards to quality and potency, can't be beaten. Most keratin comes from one of three sources. The first ingredient helps aid keratin production, but it's not keratin. The second keratin that has become popular lately is hydrolysed proteins derived from wheat, corn or soybeans. Keratin cannot be isolated from plant sources, quite simply, because plants don't make protein. So instead, keratin is made from a process called keratinisation. The cytoplasm of mammalian cells is replaced by keratin protein filaments, which then die and form formidable resistant structures such as hair, skin and nails. The third is keraGEN-IV™; our hero ingredient is functional bioactive keratin derived from New Zealand sheep's wool.
Why is our homegrown keratin the best in the world?
New Zealand innovators have been developing keratin for years and hold around 180 different patents covering the extraction process of the keratin. Keratin is used in hair care, skincare and wound care and is derived from the natural fibres of sheep's wool, which interacts incredibly well with the human body. Bioactive keratin, also derived from sheep's wool, is 91 per cent homologous, made up of the same smaller amino acid molecules, and arranged in the same order as human keratin. New Zealand sheep's wool is unique, making it far superior; due to our warm summers and harsh winters. Our sheep breeding programmes focus on coarse wool, which creates higher keratin levels to extract than fine wool sheep. New Zealand sheep keratin is also sought after because of our pasture-fed farming practices.
So how does Kiri10 help your hair, skin and nails?
Kiri-Glow is formulated using keraGEN-IV™. This hero ingredient; is rich in cysteine, an amino acid essential for making protein in hair, skin and nails. It also boosts the protein structure of hair and nails, meaning they become more robust. It also triggers the expression of collagens 4 and 7. Collagen 4 is like a scaffold that provides stability, while collagen 7 is like the adhesive that keeps it together, supporting stronger hair follicles with less fall because each hair strand becomes deeply rooted. It also upregulates glutathione and taurine production, which are essential elements for reducing oxidative stress and cell damage and supporting your metabolism. This combination, along with the other ingredients in the formula, such as Collactive® marine collagen with elastin peptides. OptiMSM™ or Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), biotin, zinc and copper. Together make a supplement powerhouse to provide all the nutrients your body needs to repair and protect against the environmental effects of ageing.
What is keraGEN-IV™ and how do you make it ingestable?
It's functional keratin, which is a protein that your body needs in areas designed for resilience and protection like your hair, skin and nails. It is bioactive, which means it's easily absorbed into the body. However unlike collagen manufacturing, where the smaller the molecule, the better absorption, this is not the case with keratin. Keratins are long strands, and by chopping these up into tiny pieces, you lose a lot of what makes them digestible. By keeping the strand in one long piece, they're able to be highly bioavailable, but this is also how they maintain the high levels of protein.
What results can you expect, and over what time frame?
Like with most supplements, Kiri10 Glow is best taken on a long-term basis. Results depend on their individual needs and what the body requires. Nail length and strength, without ridges, are the first things most people notice. Some start to see less hair fall when brushing and showering, and others will notice a more glowing complexion. By months three and four, supplements begin to build up in your system, so most see their nails grow and are much more robust, making them less prone to chipping and splitting. Also, hair fall has decreased and the new hair coming through is glossier and stronger. Finally, skin is more hydrated and smoother, with less irritation and breakouts. As time goes on these results will only get better.
Who can take Kiri10 Glow?
Anyone, at any age. Especially for anyone under stress, it's at this time our hair, skin and nails can often take a significant hit and be affected the most. Also, as we age, keratin and collagen levels decline, and supplements can help. However, suppose you have health concerns or are on medication, pregnant or breastfeeding. In that case, it's always best to consult your GP or healthcare provider before introducing any new supplement into their diet. Everyone has different needs, however, if you're looking for a beauty supplement, our hair, nails and the outer layer of skin are made from keratin, so it makes sense to start there.
What's your best beauty tip beyond supplements?
Be gentle on our hair, cut back on using heating tools or pull it back tightly, putting pressure on the hair and scalp and can cause breakage. Eat a balanced diet rich in a rainbow of colours with fruit and vegetables, and try to eliminate refined sugars where possible. Finally, use cuticle oil. It should be a staple in every woman's handbag; I keep mine on my desk in the office and apply it every time I wash my hands.
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